South America

Escudo facial de aislamiento protector

Model: 57026

Escudo facial de aislamiento protector
    • High transparency and visibility
    • Sturdy shield
    • Anti-fog coating
    • Full coverage from forehead to chin
    • ComfortaBLE forehead padding

Escuelas, Cadenas de Restaurantes, Servicios de Alimentación, Almacenes, Consultorios Médicos

DeltaTrak’s Protective Isolation Face Shield helps prevent the transmission of COVID-19 by offering full coverage (from forehead to chin) against saliva droplets. It is highly transparent and includes an anti-fog coating that greatly improves visibility. With its sturdy and lightweight shield, it can be worn for extended periods and easily cleaned during use. The foam padding provides added comfort on the forehead during long-term wear.


The face shield provides sturdy protection and high transparency and visibility for teachers as they interact with students during classroom activities.


Ideal for shielding medical and office staff during patient check-ins and/or examinations. High visibility and transparency allow for improved patient interaction.

Food Service

Provides safety and coverage for service staff when interacting with customers. The strong anti-fog coating allows for a clear view of customers, helping to improve the customer service experience.

Característica Especificación
AplicaBLE Universal para hombres, mujeres y niños
Tamaño 13in de ancho x 9in de alto (330mm de ancho x 229mm de alto)
Espesor (Visera) 0.01in (0.3mm)
Peso individual 1.34oz (38g)
Cantidad por paquete 5 / Paquete
Peso neto 6.7oz (190g)
Empaque Por pieza individual
Material (Visera) Polietileno Tereftalato
Capa (Visera) Anti-vaho

DeltaTrak manufactures products under an ISO 9001:2015 registered quality management system


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Escudo facial de aislamiento protector | South America